Maybe you haven't been completely sold on the Xbox One yet. The $300 price tag has been off putting or maybe you just werent sure if there was $300 of worth and use to be had from the console?
Well now's the time to buy. Microsoft seems to be clearing up inventory for the system as of late, and is putting out some killer deals.
The best one, I currently see is a certified refurbished (practically new) 500GB Xbox One console with the Kinect for $279. Oh whats that you say a measely $20 savings?
Boom, it also comes with Halo 5 Limited Edition, Ryse, Sunset Overdrive, Forza 5 and Kinect Sports Rivals packed in.
Having them clear inventory shortly before E3 has me a little intrigued (hardware revision inbound?), regardless it's the perfect time to pick up this killer deal.
Buy One Now!!!!!
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