Operation Fat Guy

A few months ago, my boss challenged me to a race, if you will, to see who could lose the most weight in 6 months. So being competitive in nature, naturally I accepted. Unfortunately for me, I had started my regiment the following week and had already dropped 5 pounds over the weekend.

The rules to the competition are quiet simple:

1. No fad diets (ie: atkins, or shang-ri la)

2. No surgeries or implant devices

3. No miracle pills

So basically, lose weight with hard work and safety.

I started my diet routine on a friday weighing in at whopping 311, on the official competition weigh in, I banked in at 306. He started at 285.

Over the last 3 months I have lost 31 pounds (i go by starting 311), and right now weighed in at 280.6.

Just wanted to let it be known what operation fat guy is so when post are up, you won't be in the dark.
