Gamestop has a pretty killer deal going on at some of their locations. The sale is a buy 3 games part of the promotion (list available at stores) for $10.
There are a lot of pretty good titles that stick out, the Mass Effect series being one of the more impressive. You can pickup all 3 Mass Effect games for $10. $10 freaking bucks!!!!
I missed the Mass Effect series when it was the hottest thing going and recently decided to give the series a go (starting here soon). So if your like me and were always curious about the series, now is a great time to bite.
Another one of the great games on the pick 3 for $10 promotion, I can vouch for, Alpha Protocol. Majorly under-valued, and one of my favorite games I played on the 360. I even played throught the game 3 times, I enjoyed it that much.
Check out the selection at your local Gamestop. Promotion runs all week.
***Edit*** Heres the list:
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