Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - Free Upgrade not working (360/XB1)

Remember that awesome deal I touted some time ago,  The one where you buy Advanced Warfare digitally on 360 and get the XBOX One digital version free?

Yeah, its not working. 

I purposely bought the 360 digital relase just so I could get both on my Microsoft consoles for $60.

Going to the XBOX One store, I am presented with three different versions of Advanced Warfare. One being $59.99, another $99.99 and another as unavailable. 

Nothing free.

Reaching out to XBOX support for some answers . Will keep you all updated. 

Update #1 - After reaching out to @XBOXSUPPORT twice, I am still being ignored. Worse part is it looks like I am not alone and there areothers not getting their free upgrade.

Update #2 - Twitter User @jenapher6, has been keeping me updated on her quest as well. She actually received a response from Activision support, which is pretty canned and says that they are aware of situation and working on it. At least its a reply. Still waiting....

Update #3 - Sony has put out a PSA about the issue, with some guidance to resolving issue,
Still no update from Microsoft or @XBOXSUPPORT.

Update #4 - The Advanced Warfare had finally shown up as free on XB1. You need to download the launch edition. Enjoy your 48gb install. 
