Another Corvo Mask Give Away

     Time for another corvo mask give away from Dishonored.  Giving everyone another chance at one since I had an extra.

To enter just tell me the game or system you are looking forward to this year.  Only one comment per person please and leave your email or Gamertag so I can send you code if you win.

I will pick a winner March 6th at 5:00 p.m. EST.  Thanks and hope you win. Good Luck!

EDIT:  Elementos won thanks everyone for entering and visiting site.


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  3. Oops I really am Looking Forward to the New Star Trek game coming out Going to Grab on the 360 :) GL all

  4. I would have to say I am most looking forward to the new Xbox but if I had to pick a game it would be Star Trek or Assassin's Creed IV:Black Flag and my GT is Gate Commander

  5. I'm pretty excited for Tomb Raider and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, plus I can't wait to get more info on the next gen consoles!

    Gamer tag: WOLFMANASTN

  6. The Last of Us. I'll admit I'm a Naughty Dog fanboy, and I can't wait for that game! My gamertag is Elementos.

  7. Suprised no one mentioned Bioshock yet! GT: game destructor

  8. Looking forward to the new Tomb Raider. Just bought Dishonored, so the mask would be awesome. Thanks.

    GT: SolemnDarkness

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  10. Bioshock Infinite is my pick, mostly because i've been waiting for since 2011.



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