Good news for all of you out there who love throwing money at games.
EA CFO Blake Jorgensen recently informed listeners at a Morgan Stanley conference that all future games will include the ability to buy items during playthrough.
"The next and much bigger piece [of the business] is micro-transactions within games," Jorgensen explained.If you have played the recent Dead Space 3, which upon release, met with day-one purchases which made the game easier and harvesting items quicker.
"We're building into all of our games the ability to pay for things along the way, either to get to a higher level to buy a new character, to buy a truck, a gun, whatever it might be.
"Consumers are enjoying and embracing that way of the business."
Whos ready for a Battlefield 4, where you start with a BB Gun and no shielding, and in order to advance you have to pay 80 MSP or $1 per each gun, attachment, grenade, etc. you want.
Its coming....
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