Hello Gamers,
You may have noticed I have been posting on here a lot more.
College is winding down, and it looks like I will be graduating (***Party Boy Dance***). So I have decided to focus more on this site to get it what I want it to be for all of you.
I recently purchased a web cam (Logitech HD Webcam C310 to be exact) so that I can start doing more tutorials, vlogs, and finally some reviews. I have also been getting the Thumbstick Gamer twitter account setup past the base model it was and going to be focusing more on it. So if you haven't followed us yet, jump on it...
Another thing coming down the pipe is more code giveaways. The last one's I had went well, but died near the end because of my lack of time (thank you finals), so hopefully this will work out better.
So now's the time I ask for you all's help. I'm interested to hear exactly what you thumbers want this site to be. Topics, platforms, game types, you name it. Just post it up it the comments below. And I know I don't say it enough, but thank you, each of you, all of you for being a part of this. Thank you to anyone who has ever viewed our YouTube channel/videos, visited our twitter, read an article, spread the word to your friends, or just stopped by to visit. Thank you...
I greatly appreciate it.
Drake out...
You may have noticed I have been posting on here a lot more.
College is winding down, and it looks like I will be graduating (***Party Boy Dance***). So I have decided to focus more on this site to get it what I want it to be for all of you.
I recently purchased a web cam (Logitech HD Webcam C310 to be exact) so that I can start doing more tutorials, vlogs, and finally some reviews. I have also been getting the Thumbstick Gamer twitter account setup past the base model it was and going to be focusing more on it. So if you haven't followed us yet, jump on it...
Another thing coming down the pipe is more code giveaways. The last one's I had went well, but died near the end because of my lack of time (thank you finals), so hopefully this will work out better.
So now's the time I ask for you all's help. I'm interested to hear exactly what you thumbers want this site to be. Topics, platforms, game types, you name it. Just post it up it the comments below. And I know I don't say it enough, but thank you, each of you, all of you for being a part of this. Thank you to anyone who has ever viewed our YouTube channel/videos, visited our twitter, read an article, spread the word to your friends, or just stopped by to visit. Thank you...
I greatly appreciate it.
Drake out...
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