Christmas Giveaway #2

Getting back home a little late tonight. Tonights giveaway is:

Double XP for Modern Warfare 3 PS3 or 360.

The first 4 commenters will get 2 hours of double xp. Just leave your gamertag/ profile id and what system its for (ps3 or 360).



  1. Just read your post on CAG! =) I'm gifting Modern Warfare 3 for Xbox 360 to someone's cousin and thought it'd be nice to include a Double XP code for them when I saw your post, but I don't know their Xbox Live gamertag. Is it possible to have a code sent via private message on CAG? My username there is MICHAE2414.

  2. awesome, Giveaway
    was doing some late night time wasting by reading on CAG read your post here I
    PSN ID: captnstryker

  3. Sorry but I have to have gamertag or id. I am giving away my extra mt.dew xp.

  4. valorcide on 360, came from CAG :)

  5. Mike "captnstryker" Your XP time has been applied. Enjoy and thanks for swinging by.

  6. Valorcide, Double XP Time has been applied. Enjoy.

  7. Is there still not a 4th comment for this? If not, "Happy Accident" on Xbox 360 would be wonderful.

  8. ev3a and happy accident, both of you all are a go.

    Enjoy the double xp and thanks for stopping by.

    That ends the contest for today ladies and gents. Stay tuned for tomorrows giveaway.


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