Reach Banshee Avatar Contest

Well, some of you have been waiting for this... mostly because ive been lazy.

Anyway here it is.

1. Solve the cryptogram.
2. Post a reply with the encrypted phrase in it, along with you gamertag.

I will send the code to your message box on live. First one to post up correct phrase wins.

Now on to the puzzle.


  1. We need a clean up in aisle 3.
    Gt is certifiedninja1 if I won. Thanks for the contest.

  2. Just saying, the fives appear to be fifteens.

  3. wo booj y xhoyb fl kb ykiho 3
    We need a clean up in aisle 3.
    GT: THE R3Y3S

  4. Great job guys. Glad to see you all were able to figure it out.

    certified, you have been messaged.

    Thanks again you all...


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